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Why Doesn't Raffle Sound Like Waffle?

So, you might know that I'm a long standing participant in the Philadelphia Area Polymer Clay Guild, or PAPCG for short. Wait, that doesn't sound so short! But, I digress...

ArtSci designs' Bangles for PAPCG Raffle

For years, our guild has been holding a raffle of beautiful (some might even say "stunning" but I'm ignoring you, Seth) artworks, along with books and supplies, as a fundraiser & to showcase our work. For the last few years, we've done this at Clayathon. This year, there was also a side raffle to fund the "Into the Forest" project.

You can see all of the items that were donated this year on the Clayathon Facebook page, but these are the bangles I contributed.

Then I bought my tickets, hoping to win some cool stuff. Every single year, I try to win whatever Libby Mills (aka Libzoid) donates. And every year, I fail miserably – until now. I won the fabulous earrings below. And then I skedaddled, with my prize in tow!

Libby Mills' (Libzoid) Earrings for PAPCG Raffle

Later, I got an email from Libby that said, "Guess who won your bangles in the auction?! Me!!" It's all so amusing, in a very O. Henry sort of way, isn't it?

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