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Summer of the Traveling Pants*

It's been a whirlwind of a summer! June started with the Conshohocken Car Show & Arts Festival. Later that week, I went to Baltimore for the Kathleen Dustin class. Three days after that ended, I was back in DC for my niece's graduation. (Roll wave!)

Tulane bound!

Two days after that, Ambler Arts & Music Festival. The day after that, Portugal.

Five days after that, I threw a party for 50 in my backyard. (Yes, we got rained on. And yes, the fireworks still happened and they were great.) Two days later, Maine.

Two weeks later, I was back in Baltimore for Microscopy and Microanalysis 2018, where I presented a posted on "Sustainable Imaging Technology for Thermal Printing". (Super sexy, I know!) In a few more days, I leave for New Orleans. Whew!

It's all been very inspiring, but hasn't left much time to build new work. However, the wheels are turning in new directions....

Stay tuned!

*Traveling pants, yes. Dresses and tunics, too.

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